The Thursday Night Study Group – Chairperson’s Outline

Welcome to the Thursday Night Study Group – an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Please participate in as noise-free of an environment as possible. Unless you are using your phone to connect to us please silence it. 

This meeting is a hybrid meeting connecting the in-person meeting to the Zoom meeting. Would participants from Sunshine Cathedral like to say hello at this time?
Invite first-time visitors to introduce themselves.

We require that all attendees of the physical meeting wear recommended face coverings over their mouth and nose at all times inside the room. While in the room please ALSO keep six (6) feet of physical distance between you and others at the meeting. These are both required for us to meet here.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

At this time, we would like everyone to remain still and silent

Leave the silence for another 30 seconds or more. Open with the Serenity Prayer. (“God…”)

We study the book Alcoholics Anonymous. We start at the beginning and work our way through Chapter 7. We read a little out of the book, and then use some questions to guide our discussion. In AA we share our experience strength and hope about recovery using the Twelve Steps. If you have not been through the Twelve Steps, we invite you to listen to those who have.

I have asked ____________ to read the part of the book we will be discussing tonight.

The person above will read and then continue…

Please participate in as noise-free of an environment as possible. If you are on your computer or tablet, please silence your cell phone.

Read again: If you have not been through the Twelve Steps we invite you to listen to those who have.

Start with the questions. (Note: begin the questions with a regular)

2 or 3 comments on any question are enough.

Introduce Secretary and Pass the basket.

Close with the Lord’s Prayer. Great Job!

Thursday Night Study Group
Secretaries Report

Welcome and thank you for attending the Thursday Night Study Group

In the spirit of A.A.’s Seventh Tradition – “Every AA group should be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”

We have rent and expenses and make regular contributions to our local Intergroup & AA World Services. We are passing the basket posting options to contribute virtually in the chat on Zoom. You can give using PayPal, Venmo, CashApp or Zelle.

We would like to recognize anyone who is new and wants to start a new way of life.

Does anyone have 30 days? 90 days? 6 months? 9 Months?

We meet here every Thursday at 7:30 PM on Zoom and at the church in a hybrid format. 

Our business meetings are the last Thursday of each month &
We celebrate anniversaries the last Thursday of the month

If you would like to be a member of this group I would be happy to put you on our list, and you are welcome to participate in our business meetings.

If you are new to A.A. and you do not have a Big Book, please reach out to a group member after the meeting. has the Big Book available to read online for free.

Our success in sobriety is contingent on working the steps outlined in our book with the guidance of a sponsor. This group is committed to sponsorship.

  • If you are in need of a sponsor we ask that you raise your hand at this time.
  • If you are available to be a sponsor please raise your hand.
  • We will leave the Zoom connection live after the closing prayer to facilitate fellowship and to exchange contact info.

 The Thursday Night Study Group has the 12 Step Relay on Saturday Mornings from 8:AM to 11:AM. Who has the phones this Saturday? 

Are there any announcements for the good of A.A.?

Turn the meeting back to the chair.

Good Job!

Welcome to the
Thursday Night Study Group
7th Tradition Can be Given
Venmo @briankhaines
Zelle 954-434-1968
Cash App $briankhaines





 White – Start a new way of life







Red – 30 Days Sober








Green – 90 Days Sober







Blue – 6 Months Sober







Yellow – 9 Months Sober





