- What is the distinction between the alcoholic and the nonalcoholic? P44 – 1st full p
What are our alternatives? P44 – 2nd full p
Is an atheist or an agnostic a rare thing in AA? P44 – 3rd full p
What was our dilemma? P45 – 1st full p
What is the book’s main object? P45 – 2nd full p
Do we have to fully define or even comprehend God? P46 – 1st full p
Do we have to consider another’s conception of God? P46 – bottom
When we speak of God what do we mean? P47 - top
What happens to one who says, "I do believe, or I am willing to believe, that there is a Power greater than myself”? P47 – 2nd p
Is belief simpler than faith? P47 3rd p
What are the attitudes that are a handicap to obtaining a belief in a Power greater than ourselves? P48 - top
Why do we all accept electric theory? Is it because we all know so much about it? P48 – 2nd full p
A steel girder is a mass of WHAT? P49 - top
What are we asked to lay aside? P49 – last p
What is the one proposition that most recovering alcoholics seem to agree on? P50 – 3rd & 4th p
What do thousands of people declare? P50 - bottom
Why was ancient man so slow to make material progress? P51 – 1st full p
What did we ask ourselves? P51 – 2nd full p
What attitude should we apply to our human problems? P52 – 1st two full p
Whose ideas work? Whose don’t? P52 – 3rd full p
What is YOUR choice?" P53 – 2nd full p
Is believing in our own reasoning a sort of faith? P53 – bottom to 54 – top
How had we been worshipers? P54 – 1st full p
Where is the fundamental idea of God? P55–2nd full p
Where did we find the Great Reality? P55 – 3rd full p
What are the simple elements of the miracle of healing? P57 – 1st full p
When did God disclose Himself to us? P57 – last line