1. What were Dr. Silkworth’s qualifications? P xxv – top
  2. What must we believe to be essential in defining Alcoholism? P xxvi – 1st p (after M.D. letter)
  3. Does the doctor’s theory make sense? P xxvi – 2nd p
  4. Why is it important for ones brain to be clear? P xxvi – bottom
  5. How did the doctor regard the recovered alcoholics he came to know? P xxvii – last full p
  6. Does the craving ever occur in an average temperate drinker? P xxviii – 1st full p
  7. What is a must for us to recreate our lives? P xxviii – 2nd full p
  8. Does the doctor regard AA as having an impact on the problem? P xxviii – 3rd full p
  9. Do alcoholics have trouble differentiating the true from the false? P xxviii – bottom
  10. Can a psychic change help? P xxix – 1st full p
  11. What reason does Silkworth give that the problem is not only in the mind? Pxxix – bottom
  12. What are some of the classifications of alcoholics? P xxx – 2nd full p – 4th full p
  13. Is the physical allergy ever eradicated? P xxx – 5th full p